1 year ago

Written and Directed by Alex Jones.

False Flag Events/Operations - covert operations directed by our beloved government to make us believe they were designed, directed and operated by other entities and then they provide the Solution to the public for the purpose of gaining power and removing freedoms.

In short our Government creates the problem and provides the answer to that problem. They blame the problem on someone else, like a so-called Terror organization or in the case of the Iraq War they made it appear that Saddam Hussein was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction and the answer was war.

Another recent example: the DoD Covid Vaccination False Flag run by FEAR - false evidence appearing real -- by distributing mainstream TV Propaganda that the virus was super deadly and the ONLY Option was an Untested Novel Gene Modifying Drug, they labeled "Counter Measures" or "Prototypes" meaning the Covid mRNA Vaccines that multiple Pharmaceutical Drug Makers "mastered" with safety and efficacy within 9 months.

Hopefully most realize this was a False Flag well planned Operation.

911 is another example.

Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.

TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.

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