back to SUBNAUTICA and into the Crag

1 year ago

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in which we head inside the Crag Fields for the last of the Cyclops parts

#Subnautica #Games #boosterkiwi


I'm not actually sure where we are where
we're supposed to be
I I was trying to tell you and then
you're like I got it
I'm sorry
everyone loves you
oh there's a bone truck is it around
um mate e
um I can't tell oh it's probably right
over this thing this Cliff oh yeah yeah
this is where it is
cool yeah see um those little floating
islands that look like morel mushrooms
that's it okay
so it's gonna be around here
yeah ignore those phone charts
get off of me
see how much they like freaking
hurt the moth that's why I prefer the
truck oh crap
truck in um Polo zero because it doesn't
get damaged as badly
oh crap we should have made beacons
yeah there's always an issue for some
away from it
so it's gonna be on one of these but let
me see
oh yeah I was like 180 meters down right
our land masses suspended here suggests
they once floated on the surface
um that's just a box
there's probably not
one in there repulsion Cannon
[ __ ] where's my mouth
oh okay so I think it's near
um a piece of wreckage
it looks like
oh well it seems like we should have
seen that already
it's like 181 down
so it's gonna be
um oh yeah yeah
okay and it's gonna look like a round
piece yep oh there's one right there
and that's how cyclops
is there anything else here should I
just [ __ ] bail
so gross dang it
should you put a gold freaking hate
those that don't that aren't open and
don't have anything in them I think it
was cannibal what was it
I think it was a cyclops something
what a banger
um I don't know if that's an openable
door or if you have to laser it open
look that just goes right outside oh
we got what we came for yeah we did
let's get the [ __ ] outta
you know what you should do
what's that
oh yeah
you're clever that's why I keep you
around yeah I know
well is he like a radiator buncher
what's that about
he's got the freaking craw
[ __ ] does that mean
you have it too homie
the spoilers sick
no you already scanned yourself and you
couldn't even use the gun thing to
dissolve the weapon I think if you
forget it it's not a spoiler
all I don't know what's called a Kara
well that's because you don't even read
your pdas I'm sorry
have you made any more really cool
lockers you haven't
what color is noises oh see there it is
you can put that in here
okay the vehicle upgrade console
oh yeah so then you can get like it'll
come with like a
a vehicle fabricator so then you can
make some
stuff for
The Moth
you're so funny
see you know how like you were saying
that you wish you had more organization
with your smaller lockers
um I don't recall but going
um I'm just saying that's exactly not
what you're doing hmm
just to let you know
I don't know I don't think so
okay because I know you're gonna say
something later but
okay you do what you want you know I
just want you to have like a fun time
name your lockers poo poo titties doo
doo yep
teeny weeny oh dude this [ __ ]
yep now you need a lot of stuff
I'm so excited
yeah I thought you would I thought you
would like it
next time
because I think that's enough for today
don't you
we got all the Cyclops we've got so much
I'm proud of me too and I did it without
[ __ ] my pants
I'm not actually sure where we are where
we're supposed to be
I I was trying to tell you and then
you're like I got it
I'm sorry
everyone loves you
oh there's a bone truck is it around
um mate e
um I can't tell oh it's probably right
over this thing this Cliff oh yeah yeah
this is where it is
cool yeah see um those little floating
islands that look like morel mushrooms
that's it okay
so it's gonna be around here
yeah ignore those phone charts
get off of me
see how much they like freaking
hurt the moth that's why I prefer the
truck oh crap
truck in um Polo zero because it doesn't
get damaged as badly
oh crap we should have made beacons
yeah there's always an issue for some
away from it
so it's gonna be on one of these but let
me see
oh yeah I was like 180 meters down right
our land masses suspended here suggests
they once floated on the surface
um that's just a box
there's probably not
one in there repulsion Cannon
[ __ ] where's my mouth
oh okay so I think it's near
um a piece of wreckage
it looks like
oh well it seems like we should have
seen that already
it's like 181 down
so it's gonna be
um oh yeah yeah
okay and it's gonna look like a round
piece yep oh there's one right there
and that's how cyclops
is there anything else here should I
just [ __ ] bail

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