[SAILING ERA] A Journey Around the World: Beluget / Sassi Palmis (2/3) - Part#18

2 years ago

Valencia: (0:00)

São Tomé: (3:25)
- Beluget Info

Cape Verde: (4:31)
- Beluget (Companion)
- Family Seek #start (Carlos Cortez Lvl 30)

Andrew / Beluget - Scene: (10:50)
- Lost Hand Drawing (Abandoned Mansion in Maracaibo)

Calicut #1: (15:23)
- Invitation from Wealthy Merchant #start
- Purchase Contract: Dyes (Sulman Kapur, 10x Turmeric, 5 Royal Purple)

Calicut #2: (25:20)
- Sassi Palmis Scene (Invitation from Wealthy Merchant #2)

Palembang - Invitation from Wealthy Merchant #3: (33:42)
- Sunset Hermit (Coordinate?)

Muscat - Invitation from Wealthy Merchant #4: (40:04)
- Light Wooden Box (100k)

Calicut #3 - Invitation from Wealthy Merchant #5: (25:20)

Sea Battle - Invitation from Wealthy Merchant #6: (44:03)
Skip Battle: (45:13)

Calicut #4 - Invitation from Wealthy Merchant end: (46:30)
- Sassi Palmis (Companion)

Ushuaia: (1:08:57)
- Cape Horn Clue

Cape Horn - Fernando de Aranda: (1:10:07)

Treasure (20k) - W65,S41: (1:14:04)

Buenos Aires: (1:14:42)
- Treasures of Archipelago

Veracruz #1: (1:25:58)
- Invitation 1 (Andrea, 1x Coral)

Merida: (1:31:09)
- Family Seek #2
- Purchase Contract (Isabella Cortez, 10x Myrrh, 10x Quinine, 2x Firearm)

Veracruz #2: (1:33:05)
- Invitation 2 (Andrea, 1x Agate)

Havana #:1 (1:37:47)
- Hunting Expert 3 #start (Valentina, Reward: Eagle Armo )

Veracruz #3: (1:38:54)
- Veracruz Land Expedition: (1:39:30)
-- Hunting Expert: (1:40:18)

Veracruz #4: (1:43:56)
- Invitation 3 (Andrea, Eagle Feather Crown)

Maracaibo Land Expedition: (1:50:24)
- Abandoned Mansion: (1:52:10)
- Dagger

Discovery Rockhopper Penguin - W60.S51: (2:01:47)

Cape Horn Shipwreck - W67,S58: (2:03:14)

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