THE MERGE 101 (Training)

1 year ago

What if God raised up a people who wanted to be "The Church" and not just go to church?

What if His Church was seen as what happens throughout a region, and not in a building?

What if you were a part of a Church that you couldn't join, because you already belong as family through an encounter with Jesus?

What if there were those who understood that the value of being family was as precious to God as it is to the yearnings of our own heart?

What if the gatherings we have were more relational and purposefully impacting than simply watching others do it over us?

What if we began to function with the equipping and training and ministry that God has developed in our lives in practical ways?

What if success in the Kingdom realm was measured by heart condition, love for one another, and passionate worship of Jesus?

What if success wasn't measured by attendance, offerings and charismatic personalities?

What if ministry opportunities were not seen as promotions but rather leadings of the Holy Spirit into greater humility and love to the One's He died for?

What if there was something that went beyond the normal movement, denomination, or network relationships into family, destiny, and a community of laid down lovers?

What if there was no hype but rather holiness and power and humble love?

What would happen if the goal was Him?

What would happen if servants laid down agenda's and collectively picked up His agenda?

What would happen if fulfilling our vision, was fulfilling His Dream?

What would happen if there were a people who sowed into the Kingdom, and not into an institution?

What would happen if people joined "The Dream of God" rather than simply joining a place out of duty to satisfy the societal and religious obligations?

It's NOT church as usual.... but it is The Church!

There is...
it's called
"The Mountain"

... as ministries and churches throughout the region gather for One...

... come merge... be a part of something bigger than just your thing ...
be a part of an Awesome God thing...
"...That they may be one..."

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