Saturday 4th Feb.2023 Bible Studies. Brother E. Rainney 6am

2 years ago

Tithe and Offerings
Prophets and Kings 669 chap 57
We are supposed to point the people to the heavenly temple in heaven
The storehouse was connected to the temple
Patriarchs and Prophets chp.50 Tithes and offerings
Gen 4 1-5 Cain brought not the 1st fruits
No passing of plates on the Sabbath for offerings Lay aside Tithes on the 1st day of the week and ministers were to visit you to collect.
Church was supposed to be intimate family structure.
We must understand our worship format, not man's baptism in a pool etc.
We must not only focus on public worship but also on individual worship.
Before we do God's public worship we are to prepare ourselves for individual worship.
Principle of tithes: recognize God is the one who gives us everything, We need to have a relationship with God.

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