The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit 30 Day Challenge

1 year ago

This past Sabbath day, January 28, 2023, Teacher Eric Robinson of the Mission ministry issued a 30 day challenge to encourage believers to pray intentionally for more of the fruit of the Holy spirit. I have made this video in hopes of reaching even more believers beyond the Mission ministry because this is a great idea and will be life-changing for the body of our Messiah. I challenge you to check out the links below as well as this video to find out more about this challenge and to step up so you can also benefit from an increase of the fruit of the Holy spirit. We are children of the King of the universe and he has chosen us to be a part of his kingdom and to be his royal priests and to shine his light in this wicked and corrupted world. We need to stop walking in condemnation and defeat and recognize that we are worthy of all of YHWH's great gifts. Not by our own merits but by the blood of the lamb which has washed us clean. All things are possible through our saviour Yahshua Hamashiac, Jesus the Christ! OH HALLELUYAH!

The Mission web site

The Mission You Tube channel


30 Day Prayer With Purpose Challenge!
(The OverView With Session For Those Who Missed It)

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