Episode 250: Our Most Anticipated Expansions/Reprints of 2023 or Katie Calls Jason a Doofus and Hits

1 year ago


Episode 250: Our Anticipated Expansions/Reprints of 2023
Hollywood 1947 - 12 days left, $27
Manhattan Project: War Machine - 10 days, $35
Games played: 
Crusaders w/ Expansion
Most Anticipated Expansions/Reprints of 2023:  
Jason 5 - Lords of Vegas: Americana
Katie 5 - Ark Nova: Aquarius
Jason 4 - Flick of Faith: Cherry Blossom
Katie 4 - ArchRavels: Magic Socks 
Jason 3 - Lawyer Up: Season 2
Katie 3 - IKI: Akebono
Jason 2 - ZhanGuo Expansion
Katie 2 - Tang Garden Big Box and expansions
Jason 1 - Wonderland’s War: Shards of Madness
Katie 1 - Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Renovations
Honorable Mentions: Santa’s Workshop: Second Edition, Ancient Terrible Things: Reawakened, Watson & Holmes II, Bang! The Great Train Robbery, Roll Player Adventures: Gulpax’s Secret,Tanto Cuore: Memento Mori, Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun Warmth of a Cat mini-expansionClosing:

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