The Globalist Agenda is Dead - Here is why, and how.

1 year ago

We have wins coming in from all around the world. But this is perhaps the most important video I have ever made. It is packed full of PRACTICAL USEFUL information on how we not only end this agenda, but we prosecute the guilty, and defeat the remaining parts as they start to TRY and impose 15 minute cities. The agenda is dead, and this information is the only information that every single freedom organization needs to understand and get their subscribers on board with.

We do not need to unite. Canada, and other countries have already put the framework in place to annihilate the agenda, safeguard the citizens of our country, and save more money to fight the inflation this corrupt government has created.

Please share this video everywhere!! It is the decimation of the agenda, and everything that it entails, with practical, logical, and very easy strategies that all of us can implement STARTING TODAY!

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Definition of Terrorism in Canada by Canadian government definition:

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Help us spread the word, by sharing these vital links below:

To see the legal challenge that is happening worldwide:

To see Bonnie Henry’s emails proving knowledge of harm of vaccines:

To see hundreds of hours of doctors speaking out:

Important legal documents to your rights as Canadian citizen:

The most important documentary on what is happening in the world right now:

Proof of Genocide:
Dr. David Martin lays it out for you:

The only proof anyone should need:

Alarming uptick in cancers since jab rollout:

3 times more covid deaths since vaccine rollout:

One America Insurance CEO reports 40% increase in death claims since vaccine rollout:

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