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Faith Over Fear - 1.10.2023

2 years ago

January 10, 2023: Dr. Richard Fleming: What’s Really IN The COVID Shots?...and What is NOT

Our Speaker: Richard M Fleming, Ph.D., MD, JD; Physicist-NuclearCardiologist-Attorney. Dr. Fleming will reveal his shocking independent analysis of the actual damage to blood and healthy red blood cells from Pfizer’s COVID shots. Dr. Fleming’s current studies on the COVID shots and the types of damage have documented rapid blood clotting after the COVID shots, amyloid infiltration of the heart leading to congestive heart failure, particulate contaminants in the vials of COVID shots that should not be there, as well as sodium chloride crystals, and high concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the blood that cause inflammatory damage to organs throughout the body. What his studies have NOT found in the COVID shots is graphene oxide, “hydras,” “parasites,” or “micro-circuitry.” Dr. Fleming also discusses that prion damage from the COVID shots has led to skyrocketing acceleration of brain damage and memory loss, often just called “Alzheimer’s.” The CDC has already confirmed 84,000 excess cases of Alzheimer’s deaths in the year and a half since the COVID shots were rolled out. However, doctors still fail to report this connection and continue to push more COVID “boosters” on unsuspecting elderly. This will be a critically important update for everyone who wants to understand the mechanisms of actual damage of these experimental COVID shots. Dr. Fleming has been presenting evidence of the inflamed-thrombotic response and cardiovascular damage since 1994 and is one of the leading medical authorities on how COVID illness, and the COVID shots, intensify the damage from the inflamm0-thrombotic response that can lead to death. For more information on these topics, visit Dr. Fleming’s websites and listen to this additional program:
> To The State Attorney Generals & Governors. Honor Your Oaths!
Websites: www.FlemingMethod.com and www.10Letters.org.

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