2023 Odd Deer in Alabama. Jumpercable got a good old mature buck!

1 year ago

2023 odd deer for the start of the year. This odd deer doesn't have much as far as the inside spread when compared to the antler mass and age of the deer. He was traveling with a huge 10 point buck but this deer offered the best shot. The shot was right at 327 yards from one ridge to another. Equipment used was a Browning 300 WSM using hand loaded 165 grain Hornady SST bullets. The scope is a Nightforce SHV 5x20x50. So far there has not been many signs of a rut this year. Normally the end of January is when the rut kicks off in Southern Alabama. This year has been a weird year. Hopefully we will get to see some more odd deer in 2023!

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