Where do we get our Stem Cells from?

1 year ago

www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic
In this video, I share how we obtain and screen stem cells for medical treatments. I explain how we collect billions of cells from women between the ages of 18 and 25 who have undergone planned C-section births. We work with a fertility clinic and only choose one umbilical cord about every six months, after the patient has completed a detailed questionnaire and undergone blood work. We screen for factors such as the COVID vaccine and sexual history to ensure we are obtaining the best possible tissue. The donated tissue undergoes a thorough examination and the isolated stem cells are further checked to ensure they are safe to be transplanted into another person. This is because they lack a certain protein called human leukocyte antigen. This is a clip from our Ultimate Stem Cell Guide series, if you want to learn more go and check chapter 2.

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