A Rock for Your Rockpile- E Rock fir Äre Rockpile #Promise #Security #Lovingkindness

1 year ago

The world wants to create division and strife, but His children are assured that nothing can separate us from His love. What a beautiful promise. Hold fast because His word always accomplishes its purpose. #Bible #Bibleverse

Id-dinja trid toħloq firda u ġlied, imma uliedu huma assigurati li xejn ma jista’ jifridna mill-imħabba Tiegħu. X’wegħda sabiħa. Żomm sod għax il-kelma Tiegħu dejjem twettaq l-iskop tagħha.

D'Welt wëll Divisioun a Sträit kreéieren, awer seng Kanner si sécher datt näischt eis vu senger Léift trenne kann. Wat e schéint Verspriechen. Halt fest well Säi Wuert erreecht ëmmer säin Zweck.

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