
1 year ago

John Michael Ansevin/Mickey Farley is the creepy obsessive perverted stalker who has been committing cyber-crimes against content creators and their friends and families.

He has stated that he ran a 5 year harassment campaign against my channel, he has attacked Ken Katona's channel, Tru Sherm's channel, and he tried to frame Inmendham as a child abuser, after he accused me of the same thing.

John has stated that he is a psychopath.

I believe John is a sociopath, a serial stalker, and a child abuser, based on what I have seen him do, as well as the way he treats people in general.

That being said, John was told to leave everyone alone, and he did not...which is a cyber-crime.

John has accused me and Inmendham of being child abusers, well before I had pointed out that the creep was linked to a MAP channel, had been chatting with an 11 year old in Alecia's chat, and he even followed Tru Sherm's kid's channel.

John also implied that Shoe 0n Head was a follower of Inmendham, and he went after her because she spoke out against child abuse.

In any case, John has been blocked and banned prior to all of that, and he has no legal defense for being a defaming doxxing lying obsessive creep..and quite possibly a child abuser.

John, if you keep this up you will go to prison.

And yes, I fully believe you are a child abuser.
You have given me no reason to believe otherwise.


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