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Episode 2: Chinese Balloons in the Sky

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Jeremy calls in and lets us know what he thinks of that "spy balloon", and how to protect yourself and your family.


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  • I have tried to "raise hell with elected officials." The problem with that advice that Jeremy gives is that most people who are actively involved in politics think that "raising hell" is the wrong approach and lacks the proper decorum. So instead of demanding that they do their job and work for us, we have people continuing the theater of showing up to essentially genuflect before government committees and BEG for their rights to be returned to them. We have forgotten the RIGHTFUL role of "we the people," and I am appalled that those who try to remind the people of their rightful place in government are the ones who are the most censored, silenced, and shut out--even by their fellow conservatives. If we want to change our government, we have to change ourselves first. The message that we only have each other to rely upon is very true. But you have to search a good bit to find the ones upon whom you can rely. Many are all too happy now (conservatives included) to rely upon the government (or Trump) instead.

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  • Thank you. We are listening!

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