"The Dave Emmons Show, with Will Hamilton episode two."

1 year ago

This week on "The Dave Emmons Show" 2-3-23, I have Will Hamilton from Australia, that will be doing a two-part show. In this second part, Will discusses the "WingMakers," part of the seven ET races that claim to have manipulated our DNA throughout thousands of years. He discusses that these ET races have been on and off Earth for sixty million years. Twenty-four cultures of ETs are called "Seeders," They create all the life on earth, from humans to insects. Will talks about the seven-time capsules that will bring in the frequencies to move from 3D to 5D this year. He speaks about Jesus' return and that Amadi will cleanse the earth of demons before Jesus' arrival. Will Hamilton has postgraduate studies in Quantum Theories and a Bachelor from Queensland College. You can find Will on FaceBook and "The Wingmakers" on Google at Wingmakers.com

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