Lets Play/Fail GHOULS n GHOSTS (with Commentary) by John H Shelton - Megadrive Version (Capcom 1988)

2 years ago

Ghouls N Ghosts was released in 1988/1989 on the Sega Megadrive/Genesis (USA). See me get so far in this game and give a few thoughts on each stage leading up-to Stage 5. Capcom: http://www.capcom.com/

Intro/Opening - 0:00
Stage One - 0:15
Stage Two - 03:31
Stage Three - 07:15
Stage Four - 10:49
Stage Five - 15:01
Ending/Final Thoughts - 17:32

#GhoulsNGhosts #Megadrive #Genesis #Capcom #LetsPlay #LetsFail

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