American Reckoning Ep. 5 - Treason Part 1

1 year ago

Who were the real traitors in the War for Southern Independence? It was Lincoln and the radical Republicans who committed treason against the Constitution of the United States. In this episode we discuss how Samuel P. Chase, a Lincoln appointee, and the supreme court usurped the U.S. Constitution ruling secession unconstitutional. It was done to cover for the tyrannical central government created by Abraham Lincoln and northern politicians against the South in order to justify their war. Samuel P. Chase knew if Jefferson Davis' "treason" case went to trial, he would likely win which would vindicate Davis and the South's position that states DID have the right to secede and establish a new confederate government of their own, so he dismissed the trial on a technicality before secession could be validated as legal under the Constitution. But we all know the truth and the corrupt narrative of the south which will ultimately lead to an American Reckoning.

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