How To Surrender to The Mess and Choose your Extraordinary Life (For Spiritual Entrepreneurs)

1 year ago

It is inevitable that things will come to an end. It is how you choose to navigate the endings that will make the transition easier.

It is the human tendency to hang on tightly to the past and never want to let go.

It feels safe and comfortable there, even when it's not that comfy.

That zone of familiarity is what will forever keep you trapped, holding you prisoner in your past until you’re finally ready to surrender.

The magic happens on the other side of the surrender, so why not let go now?

When you see your world coming undone around you, do not worry. Space is being created for your greater dream.

Thank what is leaving for being a part of a wonderful experience and be willing to walk towards what’s next with childlike wonder.

Because isn’t what’s next what you wanted to occur anyway?

You are not losing anything in the entropy of the old world, you are walking straight through the fire.

You will rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes on the other side of transformation.

We know you are afraid, and…

Today you are invited to see the truth of transformation and be willing to walk into your extraordinary life with arms wide open.

Today you are invited to awaken to your inner power, knowing that you are the authority of your own life.

Today you are invited to understand and demonstrate the power of love and to remain committed to your dream.

Do not give up now.

You are going the right way.

Express gratitude for what was and surrender to the birth of your dreams.

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