In 2025 We'd Lose a War with China

1 year ago

I’m going to be very straightforward about this: if the United States were to go to war with China right now, we’d lose.

An alarming new report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies reveals widespread problems in the U.S. arms industry… that would have a direct impact on our ability to fight.

Simply put, we’ve sent so many weapons to Ukraine in support of their fight for freedom against Russia that its severely depleted our stockpile.

According to reports, based on today’s production rates, the number of Javelin anti-tank missiles sent to Ukraine takes 7 years to replace.

The U.S. has sent 160 155mm howitzers to Ukraine and the manufacturer, B-A-E Systems, hasn’t started the production lines to replace them.

And based on present procedures for ordering and producing Tomahawk and long-range anti-ship missiles, it’ll take 20 months to have them back in our arsenal.

A series of war-game exercises conducted by C-S-I-S showed that in a conflict with China, the U.S. would run out of long-range, precision-guided munitions in less than one week.

While it’s important that we ensure the stability of Europe and the security of NATO, we can only continue to do so if the Pentagon’s sluggish procurement system is updated and the defense industry steps up in a major way.

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