FINALLY: The TRUTH About Hunter Biden

1 year ago

Remember how the radical Left, the mainstream media, big tech, and even some of the biggest names in the intelligence community said for years that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation?

Finally, President Biden’s controversial son Hunter has officially admitted that the infamous laptop – which prompted a years-long controversy – did in fact belong to him. And now, Hunter’s lawyers are calling on his father’s Justice Department to open criminal investigations into Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, and the owner of the computer repair shop where the laptop was left. By the very nature of filing this lawsuit, Hunter just admitted the laptop is real, and it’s indeed his.

As reported by Fox News:

"Hunter Biden's lawyers called on federal and state prosecutors across the country to open criminal investigations into his critics on Wednesday, but denied that doing so suggested reports about the laptop’s contents are accurate.

Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, wrote letters to the Justice Department and the Delaware attorney general calling for investigations into Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon and John Mac Isaac, who owns the computer repair shop where Biden is said to have left his laptop. Biden’s lawyers also sent cease and desist letters to others who obtained and disseminated the laptop’s contents."

We told you that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, admitted publicly that the FBI came to the social media company and pressured them to suppress any stories about the laptop, telling Facebook it was more Russian propaganda to tamper with our election again.

The ACLJ swiftly filed a FOIA request to the FBI, demanding all records related to the agencies pressuring social media companies to cover up the Biden laptop story right before a critical presidential election. But as you may recall, the FBI refused to cooperate with our FOIA, and the Deep State agency informed us it had closed our file. But as we told you, that’s not how FOIAs work. Now we have filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration to make them answer for this laptop coverup.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s team is reportedly sending letters to Delaware’s attorney general, among other government offices, threatening lawsuits over the laptop, likely in a desperate attempt to keep the contents from being revealed.

Now that Hunter himself has confirmed that it’s his computer, we also need to know what all is on this laptop – especially given how long the Left swore it was just a disinformation campaign. If that’s true, release the files. We know there’s salacious material on the laptop, but we’re much more concerned about potential criminal activity that the laptop could reveal.

What’s even more terrifying is that powerful representatives of our intelligence communities covered for Biden.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more critical analysis of this latest legal strategy from Hunter Biden’s team to keep the contents of his infamous laptop – which he has now confirmed is indeed his – from reaching public eyes.

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