Wake n Hydrate

1 year ago

The Key To Vitamin C

The key to vitamin C’s success in health is driving it up to bowel tolerance.

This means that you must ingest enough of it to do you good.

Today, most people don’t eat enough vitamin C in their food. And in my opinion, the RDA of 60 – 100 mg daily minimum required is way too low. I recommend letting your body tell you how much you need daily, and you do this by monitoring your bowels.
All animals on the planet make vitamin C in their livers, except the primates (including humans), the Guinea pig, and most of the bats found in India and China.human (or 150-pound ape or guinea pig, for that matter) requires an average of 12 grams/per day of vitamin C, based on studies that found a 150-pound animal (like a dog, cow, lion, or moose) produces on average 13 grams of vitamin C per day.

However, if that animal is placed under stress, its vitamin C output is higher.

Have you been under any stress lately? Consider increasing your vitamin C.

Nature is amazing because in the natural world, so many healing nutrients are available to us, like vitamin C. We have simply forgotten just how amazing they can be!

Healthy cells combine oxygen with fuel from food nutrients in a “burning” process that creates heat and energy. The higher the oxygen level, the greater your vitality.

Unhealthy cells and diseased cells, like malignant cells for example, have a different method of respiration called “fermentation”, which takes place only when oxygen levels are low or absent. This means that diseased cells are growing in an environment that is low in oxygen, and the toxic load in the tissues has stalled the oxygenating reactions.

When your body is detoxed, your oxygen levels rise, and normal oxygenation resumes. Disease conditions are gone because diseases die in the presence of oxygen, and normal cell function takes over again. The dead, diseased cells are excreted through your bowels
Vitamin C is a critical essential nutrient to every animal, but again, humans, the guinea pig, monkeys and apes, and many species of bats don’t make vitamin C in the livers like all other animals do.

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