The Bear With the Accounting Degree, NEW AUDIOBOOK SHORT STORY

1 year ago

Welcome! I am PK The Gentleman Gamer. I read my own stories alongside a small amount of gaming, some commentary, and all around trying to have a good time. Some people love it, some hate it, but I hope you enjoy it in some small way.

Today I am presenting one of my stories because my ongoing book is currently being edited. So I wrote this in the interim. These are some of my writing exercises which became something all their own. I love the idea of a wild animal stuck in the normalcy of a human life where they suddenly discover that they don't have the same life they used to. And some change it, some accept it. Either way, this one has a bear instead of a wolf and he decides to follow his insticts. I would appreciate the listen to the story of this accounting degree holding bear remembering his romp in the woods.


#audiobook #stories #recording #writing #shortstory #bear #accounting #degree #writing #exercise

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