The wicked will pay for everything they have done!!

1 year ago

God will make the wicked pay and suffer for all their wicked deeds they have done, He sees everything they are doing and there is no escape for them at all, people are far worse now then before, families mock, abuse, lie about those who are not like them and get the vaccines, wear masks or support the woke wickedness at all, if you don't do what dumb people what they persercute you and they are doing that, parents who stand up for their kids are mocked by the lame gays lesbians trans sodomites who want to push their wickedness on everyone, churches that refuse to allow sodomites inside, vaccines, masks, preach God word are called hate centers now, if true believers do not serve gays sodomites they are called hateful, America is a rotten country now and will be destroyed, China is already spying on us, WW3 is here and Germany declared war on Russia, but the Holy Spirit and the bride are holding Satan back and he hates it, he is attacking true believers very hard right now, Jesus will come and will only take His true bride and leave behind all the fake phony lukewarm so called pastors and church people who act like they know God but do not, America will be destroyed, the antichrist has no need for America at all, his eye is on Israel not America, America will be out of the way and Israel will be alone and without help in the 7 year tribulation!!

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