MGTOW in The Bible? My Opinion Based on Gleanings From The Bible

1 year ago

*OPINION ONLY* IF I’m correct, it’s a gift and I’m just speaking my mind on the matter.

Men “going their own way” is another farcical version of holy living for modern unbeliever men. Just as communism is an attempt to co-opt the commune type living arrangement in the book of Acts only applied to unbelievers for means of control, the MGTOW movement is proffered up as a worldly answer to feminism, single motherhood and leftist policies relating to men at large and their rejection of them. Biblically speaking, we as believers are ever commanded to stay separate from these things and wait on The Lord’s answer. The ultimate Man going His own way is our Lord Jesus Chris, at least as far as the world is concerned. And if MGTOW represents that small fraction moving away from the world’s control, then Christianity is its ultimate form only without the overt sin involved in the movement as it stands today.

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