Scott Ritter Iran & Russia Alliance

1 year ago

#wwiii #breaking #putin #ukraine #russia

episode 21 of the show we are joined by Seyed Mohammad Marandi, an Iranian American academic and political analyst. He was born in Richmond, Virginia and spent the first 13 years of his life in the United States. Marandi is a graduate of the University of Tehran and Birmingham University (UK). Marandi is also the former head of the North American Studies program at the University of Tehran. He is currently a professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the university and an adviser to the Iranian nuclear negotiations team in Vienna.

Follow me on my journey from Houston Texas to the country as I use this youtube channel as a vehicle to setup a retreat before the collapse of America as we know it. taking the confusion and fear out of prepping In reality this is very high level economically speaking channel where we can see the collapse happening and gauge how much time we have left.

I am on a mission to interview interesting and like-minded people in this community

If you would like to be interviewed, please send me an email to #confusedprepper


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