The 4 capitals of attraction... (It's not just looks or genetics)

2 years ago

I have often listened to these two sides on the argument of attraction

one side says looks is the deciding factor on attraction (this means that exercising,taking care of yourself,lifting & discipline are the thing that will make you attractive)

the other says that genetics is the deciding factor on attraction (This means that no matter what you do if your genetics are bad(hard work,discipline and even taking care of yourself) DON'T MATTER because unless you cheat by surgery,these important attrcation based factors are limiting your level of attraction

honestly both sides have their truth and allthou I am more towards the optimistic side of the red pill ( I still believe the blackpill guys have a decent point that should be factored in when it comes to your attraction level)

looking into this led to create a more personal way of establishing what being attractive is and came to the conclusion it is a point based system that consists of 4 categories:
Appearance: (How you look to others,Mindset,Personality)
Genetics: (Features,Height,Size,Intelligence,Perspective,Mindset,etc)
Wealth: (What you Own,Assets,Income,etc)
Status (What you do,Who you are,the perception you give others,your reputation,etc)

I believe everyone has some points of these 4 things (it's completely up to you to decide how you grow and reach your mountaintop of these 4 things) and just kn ow that it's different to everyone [Just focus on the things you can work on] especially try to make yourself compatible to what you want to attract (whether its a person or a lifestyle or even a goals!)

i know it's complicated but hopefully the video gave you a decent idea on what i mean (at the end of the day its just a concept I use not to compare myself to others but to see where I stand on the way to my goals)

anyways thanks for watching (have a nice day!) :D

P.O.V How I make money while living in a Van & How to get "Spending Money"

your greatest ideas come when you least expect them (Be Prepared!)

#selfimprovement #attraction #redpill #blackpill #capitalsofattraction

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