E025: End-to-end startup support in the integrated incubator, with Mandar Joshi

1 year ago

In this episode of "Between Data and Risk", Artur and Marian discuss the concept of integrated business incubators and how they support startup development. Their guest is Mandar Joshi, angel investor, media producer, executive chairman of M Strategy Global, and partner in VentureCatalysts, Asia’s largest integrated incubator.

Find out what investors are looking for in startups they deem worthy of investing not only their money, but also their time and expertise. Learn how startups get supported holistically and turn into unicorns from someone who has invested in more actual unicorns than his fair share.

Check out MStrategyGlobal (https://mstrategyglobal.com/), VentureCatalysts (https://venturecatalysts.in/) and 9unicorns (https://www.9unicorns.in/), India's first accelerator VC.

Also make sure to visit Horses' Stable (https://horsesstable.com/), Mandar's reality television show on start-up investments, which is co-produced with Bollywood Superstar Mr. Suniel Shetty.

Listen to this episode of the "Between Data & Risk" podcast from 3rd February 2023!

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