Do Really Know The Facts!

1 year ago

Do Really Know The Facts!

Steps to Defeat the New World Order Globalist Parasites

I and many others have written and documented for yDo Really Know The Facts!ears on ideas to How to Defeat the New World Order for 30 plus years. Some comprehended it and worked hard to educate similar ideas! 

We knew it would take time as many were not being effected as of yet. Many people only rise to the occasion when it affects them, until then they ignore it blindly knowing something is seriously wrong! But do nothing! 

Then one day something from the criminal cable parasites targets them and now they have to get involved to protect themselves! 
These individuals start to question things and start to do some research and then eventually find others who are also on the journey of truth! Once they begin to this journey they see the importance to educate others of the severity of the criminal system and the cabal that intends to enslave mankind and depopulation program of genocide of the entire planet!

It had to start affecting them at every level before they would start to find their truths and eventual more facts. 

When we were under full lockdown, when you are at the rallies, because the Sovereigns are under enormous pressure from the unlawful thing many refer to as government and Sociopaths (A sociopath is someone who actually has a diagnosable mental health condition. That mental health condition is called antisocial personality disorder or ASPD) calling themselves health experts which they are NOT and actually mass murderers !

There was a sense of urgency and people were looking for answers.

After the mandates were lifted, the sense of urgency faded away and many people stopped attending rallies. Some breathed a collective sigh of relief and went back to a semblance of a normal life. Others lost their jobs, homes, family, careers — they can never go back to the way it was. For all of you diehards who are still out there, I salute you, thanks for staying in the game.
We know it is definitely not over yet. To be more accurate it will never end until we end it!

The number one question I was asked at the rallies why is nothing working?

I have repeated my words over and over is because thousands of great men and woman are here to fight the corruption, but they are led by controlled ops, or uneducated individual who still want to keep repeating history and have been brainwashed to ask them to stop, which futile!!!!!

Many people don’t like to read, or were having a hard time focusing because of what was happening so they just wanted a summary. Many were looking, and still are looking for a silver bullet solution, which I could not provide, because there isn’t a silver bullet solution. Sorry. We have a complex multi-faceted problem and it is going to require a complex multi-faceted solution.

We are hit on all sides by government, media, our education system, the healthcare industry and corporations. The media has brainwashed a significant proportion of the global population. All 195 unlawful parasites who have infiltrated these nations in the world took part in the pandemic lockdowns, mask-wearing, PCR testing, social distancing and vaccine poison kill shots.

They have all signed on to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of UNDRIP, UN Agenda 21/30.

We have an international crisis and therefore it requires an international response. We have not one, but 195 Goliaths to take down and they must be fought simultaneously.

We also have a multitude of NGO’s and corporations to deal with such as the WEF, WHO, UN, BIS, World Bank, WTO, IMF and many, many other institutions that are working towards the mass worldwide genocide!

To make a long article, short, here is a simple plan to follow that I guarantee will work 100 percent. The solution is complex but it is still SIMPLE. This is not rocket science — it is just that the size of the beast is much bigger than anything ever experienced before by humanity. It is overwhelming at times.

All other totalitarian regimes in history were national or regional like Oligarchy Great Britain, Fascist United States, Communism Canada, Nazi Germany, Maoist China and Stalinist Russia. We are confronting an international totalitarian state.

When you are at war, the first thing you need is an army. The Freedom Movement has been putting the cart before the horse by trying to attack without a thoroughly prepared and disciplined army. And to be clear, so trolls cannot spin this: We mean a EDUCATED army that uses FACTS vs FICTION!

There is and never has been a legal system in the system they created!

So in time more have comprehended this and are actually building Natural Law Court system as you are reading this. If something is designed to ensure no accountability, then we the sovereigns must build a lawful court system. This is how it will change the game. We all know they are guilty for crimes against Humanity. It’s time to join, learn, add you ideas, to build this amazing lawful system with lawful courts, to hold these parasites accountable.
Waisted, time filing court files, to go nowhere over and over.

The insanity continues, if you continue to Waste valuable time and effort on a futile endeavor. 

What needs to happen is the creation of a vast interconnected movement of the concerned Sovereigns of the so called 195 nations. To take ownership locally, one block, one town, at a time.

As these so-called nations are actually what enslave you. They are fiction, as long as you keep living this enormous lie, of countries and Nations you will never be able to find the solution!

This requires massive networking. The Network has been created and is growing. We have been creating strategies and are committed in every local area.

Administration Sovereign Teams in each town, of selected individuals to meet in other locations to bring information and ideas to build this network to end the globalist infiltrators at the local level and to keep them accountable.

This requires unprecedented UNITY. This does NOT mean we all have to agree with each other on everything. That is uniformity. UNITY is created when we work together on the common goal of defeating the New World Order.

We are united because we share the same spirit, we are all part of the same human family and we all share a common goal for liberty!

This means breaking down political, religious, cultural and social barriers. There is no conservative or liberal, no gay or straight, no black or white in the Freedom Movement.

We are all brothers and sisters, fighting for the life blood of all humanity. Make a bumper stick and tattoo it on your chest. For some people in the movement, this will be harder than for others, because some are just not able to put their worldview, their political identity or their agenda on the back burner.

We must confront the architects of the globalists UN Agenda pandemic in their halls of power. Their power starts right in your local community. When more grasp this, then the faster we can end this nonsense.

We must bring the battle to them, to their buildings, and homes, and offices. The strength of their power lies in their invisibility.

Many are distracted by these parasites, missing the real enemy, living right next door. Yes, in your own towns, communities, pulling the strings.

They hide behind political puppets, health officials, media and front men like Gates, Musk, Bezos and many others who promote a philanthropic image. These are the psy-ops they want you to waste your valuable time and effort on. So many are distracted by these distractions and miss the real enemy. It’s the Mayors, city council members, and school board trustees who are the real threat. Remove them from any and all authority and the NWO order plan will start to crumble.

We must flush them out into the open. Who are the real puppet masters? The parasites who fly around in jets and sail the oceans in private yachts? Who are the bankers, corporate owners, weapons manufacturers, oil company owners, media moguls and billionaires who run the world?

They are part of the problem and the globalists want you to direct your energy on fictions you have no control over! But you do have control - the bogus corrupt courts at the local level maintain their corrupt system, the unlawful police force protect these criminal and in return they are also criminals!

Name the Names of the criminals - Any and all who promoted sustainability, UNDRIP, UN Agenda, lock downs, enforced mandatory poisons. In your local community! You know them.

The criminals must be brought to justice. This is no easy task if so many are distracted in Lala land! This is up to YOU as an individual to take the lead to educate who the real enemy is, right in your back yard, and is the one enforcing this tyranny locally!

Useless endeavors are the ones grasping at thin air chanting to ‘save Canada’; this is an indoctrination, of stupidity. Canada and the Canadian system designed to enslave you! Time to end the fiction of Canada, Start to grow up and realize it’s you and I and others that will and MUST end the Canada system.

It will require extensive Education for the brainwashed to unlearn and relearn the facts. It’s up to you and others to end this fraud! Some may not figure it out, that’s ok you push forward find the intelligent individuals, critical thinkers, and your team of sovereigns will grow.

Police, military and their legal system is a dead end road, stop wasting time and valuable energy on this cult!

The extent of their crimes must be made known. The traditional channels of mainstream media, social media and other channels of communication may not be effective. We MUST go old school and go door to door! Here you will find individuals who are just waiting to be connected with intelligent Sovereigns that actually want to end this madness. .

All of this requires the entire Freedom Movement to speak with ONE VOICE. Once this is accomplished then it becomes the Solution for Liberty. This means that our army of Sovereigns be connected, coordinated and work together in unity, in unison with a plan and commitment of brotherhood and sisterhood, under the banner of restoring LAW and Order! Natural Law,! Doing so will inspire others to learn and spread this important message!

And finally, it must be understood that this is an idea and an agenda we are fighting, not a group of people.

The agenda of the cabal has been allowed to take root and grow, because the entire planet earth is infected with the virus of isms

Defeat the idea, and the agenda of the globalists at the local area will crash.

In order to accomplish all this, the Freedom Movement has moved underground and be less conspicuous on social media. The worst thing an army can do is let the enemy know your plans. And secondly, the MSM uses everything we do and say online against us. When armies are at war, they maintain a certain level of radio silence.

It is strategic to create a multitude of small groups. Working at there local area on Solutions! Small groups are more efficient and get more done. Plus they are harder to infiltrate because the intelligence agencies need too many agents and they don’t have the manpower. High profile groups should be met with suspicion. Stay off the radar and move quietly.

Many have come to comprehend that nearly all the free-dumb groups are controlled ops, agents and grifters. Hard pill to swallow, but if you just look at the last 4 years how millions were distracted , intentionally directed to protests and convoys with no Solutions or even 5 bullet points to accomplish.

The globalists want you entertained, distracted, overwhelmed, and listening to so- called experts. YOU are the expert if you figured out that these experts are parasites. You’re the expert when you comprehend Canada is nothing their courts are nothing, their political system is nothing. BUT ONE HUGE PILE OF DUNG!

To sum up:

Create a Local Network , then expand to other local areas, build alliances to eventually take back every block one at a time and then the community, the town, city, and county areas. This will grow if you really want a solution to end this insanity!

UNITY - on Solutions - Not fictions that enslaved you!

Break down barriers of these so called thousands of groups - that all say they want to end the globalists UNDRIP Agenda of mass genocide! By simple asking one question what is your plan to do this? No plan then edcuate them a plan - if they do not want a plan then its time to move on! 

Confront the cabal at your local level mayor’s city council, school board trustees, and the others involved in their mass murder cult!

Bring the perpetrators to your local Natural Law courts, as this is the only lawful court and the rest are all fiction. Filing a court case in their corrupt courts and asking them to convict themselves for murder. How stupid and gullible are people!

Speak with ONE VOICE one clear message - We are ending this insanity by holding them all accountable for murder!

Defeat the Globalist agenda and their Empire of lies and deceit by NOT following their rule book of useless regurgitated nonsense! of courts, elections, and following controlled ops ( politicians, constitutional lawyers, corrupt court system, religions of distractions, UFO's, Flat earth, Sasquatch, Aliens, elections/voting) all tools to keep you ditracted !

This is first step to end the globalists system and it will crash!

It’s all up to YOU! There is No invisible man coming to save you!

But if you look hard enough there is an Army of Men and Women determined to end this shit show!

To get connected in local villages/town/or counties where these are being formulated

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