HISTORIC: North Dakota Codifies Individual Personhood Rights Into Law

1 year ago

Mark Herr joins us to break down the practical implications of a groundbreaking new North Dakota law that his Center for Self Governance has been promoting, the long term strategy behind it, and why it marks the breakdown of a centuries old trend of abolishing the individual's rights vis-à-vis corporations, the state, associations, and globalist NGOs.

The law stipulates that "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual's rights are superior and not equal to environmental elements, artificial intelligence, animals, inanimate objects, corporations, or governmental entities. Environmental elements, artificial intelligence, animals, inanimate objects, corporations, or governmental entities may not be granted personhood in the state or any right personhood entails."

We did an impromptu call to assess a new setup that we're working with. The plan wasn't to publish it, but the content was so good that we decided to do it anyway. The audio isn't that great and we apologize for that.

- North Dakota house bill "Relating to personhood status; to provide for application; and to declare an emergency." https://www.ndlegis.gov/assembly/68-2023/regular/bill-overview/bo1361.html
- Center for Self Governance https://www.centerforselfgovernance.com/
- Does "We the People" Include Corporations? https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/we-the-people/we-the-people-corporations/
- Find all our content at https://irida.tv

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