Thailand to drop Hammer on Pfizer after Princess is in post Jab Coma

1 year ago

Thailand To Drop Hammer On Pfizer After Princess In Coma

A blockbuster story has emerged. The Princess of Thailand, the King’s daughter, fell into a coma after taking her 3rd booster of the Covid “Vaccine” and the royal family was told it was due to a bacterial infection. Dr. Sucharet Bhakdi, who is Thai, in God’s providence was invited to talk with the Royal family and informed them that everything they were told was a lie and that it was in all probability a reaction to the Covid shot. As if in a story out of the Bible, the Royal family stood up out of their seats in defiance and said they were going to take action and become the first country to break their contract with Phizer.

This could be the first domino with other nations following. The contract is null and void after Pfizer lied about the safety of a “vaccine” that they never tested if it stopped transmission.

Spread this story which is not being spread on main stream news.

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