Master-batching Oils

2 years ago

One of the best tips that I have found to help speed up production is to master-batch my oils. It is much easier than you think. I simply bought a huge kettle and multiplied my recipe by six to have a supersized batch. Now, whenever I am going to make soap, I don't have to spend time measuring out each and every oil. I simply heat up the oils and stir them, then I pour out just the amount that I need for the specific batch that I am making. You can master-batch your lye solution as well, but since I have kids I don't really feel comfortable with a lye solution that they could get into.

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00:00 intro
00:14 talking about master-batching
01:47 olive oil and tip for pouring oil easily from a can
06:05 rice bran oil
06:36 tip for pouring oil smoothly from plastic container
08:08 castor oil
09:09 Does your tank have a heated jacket?
10:49 shea butter
14:44 How many batches does Bertha hold?
16:33 How do you scale your batch up?
17:03 coconut oil
17:31 Can you master-batch lye solution?
18:43 Why do you flip the bowl over?
18:57 palm oil
20:22 Is that the same room you are always in?
26:10 outro

#warmandfuzzysoapery #handmadesoap #lifeisshortusethegoodsoap

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