Revelation Pt. 13 | The 144,000 Witnesses

2 years ago

Revelation 6
1st Seal - Releases a White Horse with a rider who has a bow but no arrows
Bloodless conquest
This person will come in peace that is a deceptive peace; he will eventually bring war
This horse and rider is the Antichrist
Crown = Stephanos
STEPHANOS = wreath like one on an Olympic Athlete (On TV Screens)
Christ has a different crown
DIADEMA = royal crown (On TV Screens)
Antichrist is not royalty or nobility
Titles of the Antichrist
Man of Lawlessness
The Abomination that Causes Desolation
Antichrist will declare that he is God in the temple
The Jewish temple then must be rebuilt
Sword = War
Red = bloodshed
Black Horse = Famine & Economic Collapse
Quart of wheat = Loaf of Bread
Denarius = Days Wage
Oil & Wine = Phrase for the wealthy (some will have stockpile)
Pale Horse = Death & Hades
Pale = Chloros (greenish)
4 weapons - Sword, Feminine, Plague & Beasts
Revelation 6:9-11
5th Seal = Death of Some Believers
These are Martyrs who are believers that die for their faith during the Tribulation
Believers will be killed for two reasons in the Tribulation according to Revelation 13
1. Not worshiping the beast (Antichrist)
2. Not taking the Mark of the Beast (buy, sell or trade)
How can believers die in the Tribulation if we are taken out first?
You can still get saved during the Tribulation
These martyrs given a white robe
STOLE - Long Flowing Robe (On TV Screen)
Marked a person's high social or religious status
They may have messed up but they were restored like Peter on the Day of Pentecost
Revelation 6:12-17
6th Seal - Unprecedented Natural Catastrophes
God's vengeance is unleashed
These are the classic images of the End of the World
Earthquake that will send dust in the air turning Sun black
Moon appears red
Everyone is looking for this blood moon
If you see this blood moon that means you missed something very important in Revelation 4:1
Moon is rusting article
Stars rain down on the earth; story of watching leaves just fall
Sky rolls up like a scroll
Mountains and islands are shifted
The geology of the earth is changed
Every kind of person is affected here:
Instead of bowing down before the Lamb they try to bury themselves
Instead of running to God they hide from God
It's so bad people just want to die
They could run to God but they will run from Him
We have this choice everyday
James 4:4
1. Wake Up Unbelievers
2. Shake Up Israel
3. Make Up The Kingdom of God
These great pains give birth to the Kingdom
God's Judgement is dispensed through 3 events
1. 7 Seals that are broken
2. 7 Trumpets that are blown
3. 7 Bowls that are poured out
7th Seal lead to the first Trumpet
Revelation 7
Revelation 8:1-2
7th Seal opens 1st Trump; leads to another set of judgement
Chapter 7 is out chronoligical order
Gives insight behind the scenes
Gives hope in the midst of wrath
Habakkuk 2:2 says, In your wrath Lord remember your mercy
End of Revelation 6 is really bad
Who can stand? 2 groups in Revelation 7
Revelation 7:1
4 corners of the earth = Cultural Idiom meaning for cardinal directions
Wind often times symbolizes judgement
Probably means judgement rather than actual wind
Revelation 7:2-3
5th Angel has more authority than the other 4
Ephesians 6:10-12
Just as their is a hierarchy among demons so there is among the angels
Revelation 7:4
Who are the 144,000
Jehovah Witnesses claim to be
Revelation 7:5-8
It was like God knew people would have a hard time understanding who these 144,000 are so he broke down even more
Seal on their forehead that protects them
Servants of God and will be Evangelist of God in Revelation 14
They are all the Tribes of Israel
Jewish believers who are saved during the Tribulation, protected by a seal, and sent as witnesses to unbelievers
Notice how God is still trying to reach people even in the midst of His righteous wrath
Back to the list of tribes
There are some things added and some things missing that are not like the rest of the times in Scripture that the tribes are listed
They are not in birth order
Levi is listed which the priests had their own inheritance and were not included in the 12 tribes
Dan is missing which this was the Northern Tribe
I believe the Antichrist will be Jewish
Many scholars believe the Antichrist will also be Jewish and will come from the tribe of Dan which is why it is not listed here
The basis is built upon Jacob's prophecies over his children
Jacob prophecies over Judah that the Messiah will come through this tribe
Judah and Benjamin will become one and split from the Northern Kingdom of Israel
Genesis 49:17
Many believe this is a prophecy about the antichrist
Just as Jacob prophesied about the Christ, it's possible he prophesied about the antichrist as well
But once again I truly believe the Antichrist is Jewish; I do no think He is a catholic Pope, or an American President but I believe he will be Jewish
Just as the Christ is Jewish the antichrist will probably be Jewish

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