8992 kHz Late Night Stream - SKYMASTER CONTINUES

2 years ago

Skymaster messages are continuing, possibly. We'll see if we catch any on stream.

Here are the timestamps to SKYMASTER-associated comms;
36:53 / 04.44 UTC is a communication from SPLENDID to ECONOMIC.
37:20 / 04.45 UTC is an EAM/FDM from ECONOMIC.
39:54 / 04.47 UTC is ECONOMIC requesting SPLENDID QSY to 8042 kHz. (Nothing comes of it.)
43:12 / 04.51 UTC is a SKYMASTER message; FEAR 31 read a message of 67KZ for SPLENDID to confirm.
48:10 / 04.56 UTC is ECONOMIC again requesting SPLENDID QSY to 8042 kHz. (Nothing comes of it.)

After 48:10 – the last half hour and change is not too many more messages but more of a comms. Shoutout to Woodland for requesting the stream, Aldo for always showing up, Moss Fairy for the info on the info regarding the B-52s / Global Reach Missions, and everyone else who made it. Thanks, I appreciate your support a ton!

12:17 is a message at 04.20 UTC, but no audio can be heard due to a mistake on my part.
27:25 is a message at 04.35 UTC, but no audible can be heard due to a mistake on my part; FEAR 32 read a message of AZ3C for SPLENDID to confirm.
23:40 is a radio check? between SPLENDID and ECONOMIC (the latter being the HFGCS message callsign for Feb 02)

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UtahSDR 4724 kHz: http://websdr1.sdrutah.org:8901/index1a.html?tune=4724usb
UtahSDR 8992 kHz: http://websdr3.sdrutah.org:8903/index1a.html?tune=8992usb

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