EP. 010: Dopamine Detox: Ditching Modern Addictions

1 year ago

This special episode of Weights & Wealth deviates from our typical format of a weight topic and a wealth topic and focuses instead on a major cultural problem that most of us are facing. Nick and Ted discuss the plethora of sources of high dosage dopamine hits that currently plaque us with pleasure and how we can limit these. For links to studies, articles, etc. mentioned in the episode, go to the show notes tab on our website: www.weightsandwealth.com .


0:45- Nick’s Relapse

1:57- Macro Bar Breakfast Review

4:40- Chat GPT

9:03- Dopamine Addiction

10:24- The Dopamine Seesaw

10:42- Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke

11:36- Huberman Lab (IG @hubermanlab )

11:40 Dopamine Baseline

13:10- Anxiety & Depression

14:30- Blippi vs. Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

15:30- Destressing & Reverse Dieting

17:09- Sleep & Nick’s Experience

18:54- The Sleep Deprivation Cascade

20:42- Habits & Routines

21:29- Screens & TV

22:18- Food & Dopamine

23:44- Consumer Spending & Dopamine

25:52- Recession and (IG @higherstandardpodcast )

27:00- Great Society & Welfare

28:22- San Francisco Gives Out $5 Million Per Person

30:45- Pornography & Dopamine

34:00- Screen/Smartphone Usage

34:06- The Coddling Of The American Mind by Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt, iGen by Jean Twenge

35:08- Nicholas Cage & Causation-Correlation

35:38- Freakonomics

36:12- Reading

36:34- Brain Wash by David and Austin Perlmutter (IG @davidperlmutter @draustinperlmutter )

37:00- Creating Barriers For Yourself

41:05- Help Nick; He’s Posting Into The Void

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Website: www.weightsandwealth.com

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