Ego Trap

1 year ago

The enemy of our soul wants to tap into our ego. It was corrupted human ego, leading to embittered human pride, that put an innocent man, Jesus, on a cross to die for something He did not do. In all actuality, the reality of truth seen in our history, we now know, He died for all of humanity stuck in our corrupted egos and human pride. This selfishness, which serves no power higher than self, runs amuck, straight into sin, as we human beings clamor, scratch and claw for power, position, titles, authority, and worldly pleasure, treasure and worth. Without God in our lives, our humanity is pure stank. We can all clearly see this in times such as these. We need to lay our egos at the foot of the cross of Jesus.

A focus on ourself first, a living out of no power higher than self, this kind of behavior is the opposite of Jesus, Who gave up His Kingly rights, said no to His ego, and went to the cross for us, to save us. It is with His resurrected power that we can live above pride, not feeding our ego, but walking in the same selflessness that He had, a servant’s heart, whose pride went through the human crucible revealing the truth of meekness, power under control for the good of others. Jesus modeled a selflessness which put the interests of others before His personal ego and gain. Selflessness is a huge part of our Salvation that should not be denied, as Jesus put us before Himself, paying our sin debt, He died our death so we could live forever by His life-giving resurrection power. Say no to ego which feeds into a corrupted pride, say YES to Jesus, being positioned underneath the Rulership of His pure of heart kind of love, a love that creates an atmosphere in your soul which speaks of the truth of Jesus: Saved To Serve. Dig Deeper:

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