Bob Jones University and the Latter Rain Influence

1 year ago

In the year 2000, Bob Jones University surprised the world by allowing their students to date partners who were not of the same race. Interracial dating had been strictly forbidden by the University, the group having been strongly influenced by leaders in the British Israel and Christian Identity movements.

It was not so much that the University was supportive of interracial marriage, however — Bob Jones did not want the negative publicity associated with being a racist organization influenced by white supremacy. At a daily chapel service, leaders of the university told students that they must first obtain a letter of a written permission from parents before dating partners of another race. The University knew that many parents of students attending were also influenced by the white supremacy doctrine and would not permit their students to participate in interracial dating.

It should come as no surprise that Bob Jones University was deeply connected to William Branham’s Latter Rain movement. Branham’s campaign manager, the German Baron von Blomberg, was on Bob Jones University’s Board of Trustees.

Von Bromberg was also a member of the International Christian Leadership program, otherwise known as “The Family,” which came under recent scrutiny for its clandestine influence on senators and congressmen through the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.

Von Blomberg was adopted into German royalty in the early 1930s and was strongly influential among Christian fundamentalists supportive of the British Israel doctrine. He was an adopted cousin of Nazi Minster of Defense Warner von Blomberg and through Warner, was directly connected to Hitler.

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Bob Jones Article:

Baron William T. Frary von Blomberg:

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