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UN and its real Agenda

2 years ago

Good insight from a senior member of the UN into its real agenda and who is running it..I just had this restricted on Pootube for "Vulgar language and sexual content"...?!!!...must mean they don't want the young to understand what the UN stands for really.


  • 0/2000
  • Wow who put the images on this? I watched that interview when it came out, but I'll upload it to the channel and see if it can get more views because more views are deserved for whoever made it more visually interesting :)

    1 like
  • Please check out my channel. I've been documenting the UN and their take over of America and the World for many years. some facts: 1) UN has taken over NYC as the 4 sovereign city-state beside the Vatican, City of London, and DC! It was the UN HQ Agreement Annex 1 that "authorized" the UN to "widen" their territory to Manhattan, City of NY and State of NY. and they did. Manhattan is no different than City of London, and why all the banks are HQ there. It's in law: 20 CFR §422.103 "Birth registration document. We may enter into an agreement with officials of a State, including, for this purpose, the ***District of Columbia***, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and ***New York City***[...]" https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/20/422.103 NYC has the same [corporate] status as DC, foreign to the 50 States! 2) UN made everyone global citizens called UN Nationals, under the UN UDHR, back in 1947. You've been a UN National for calling yourself a citizen of your local UN Member-State since, most like, before you were born. UN Nationals are WW2 war criminals. 3) UN has "confiscated" all courts, franchising them, like McDonalds. UN said Nazis abused "Justice" and the remedy/replacement is Law of war Military Tribunals. 4) UN has repurposed WW2 belligerency of nations against the only enemy left: The People! "governments" under the UN are occupying belligerency powers under Law of War, corporate franchises of the UN. The UN calls everyone "WW2 war crimimals" and hence "gains jurisdiction" under WAR POWERS. We are all owed law of Peace.