Luke S. Kennedy | Conversations with Adrian Podcast

2 years ago

Luke Kennedy is a mental health advocate, youth mentor, best-selling author, & one of Australia's most sought-after speakers for primary & secondary schools, corporate events, and prisons.

You can reach Luke at
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The number one statement I hear in my coaching is "I'm not sure what to do, all I know is I need to do something about it"

In other words, I'm stuck... If this sounds like you, I have the answer below.

Firstly, there's nothing wrong with you, secondly, rather than shame your past experiences, honor the lessons for they have brought you here, and lastly, what you have now is a moment in time, and in any moment we can decide what kind of life we wish to live.

Ok, here's the thing, there are 4 areas of life that once addressed, change the lens in which you see the world. There’s a lot of detail to these [which go deeper into in my 30-day coaching program] However, I have simplified them for you to start making a difference today.

Your Inner and outer environment

Your unconscious mind is like a recording device that never stops. It is said that 95% of our day is run by the unconscious mind. Furthermore, some 11 million bits of information per second are being downloaded, so the first area of your life to look at is... monitor what information is going in AND what are the predominant thoughts, feelings, and emotions running through your mind and body. This means, shows, internet searches, social media, friends, family, food and drink, etc.

This will give you an indication of what is poisoning your mind and body.

2. Your inner child wounds, attachment style, masculine/feminine energy

Relationships are powerful and the relationship you have with others is a direct result of the relationship you have with yourself. The way to get to the bottom of what programs are running here is to identify 3 areas of yourself.

Childhood wounds, there are 4 main ones, abandonment, guilt, trust, and neglect.

Attachment styles, once again, 4 main styles, secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganised.

Masculine/feminine energy. Polarity is important and the world, mostly is imbalanced, which energy do you embody the most? are you a female in masculine energy or are you a male in feminine energy?

This right here is a game changer when you understand yourself, you can understand others, AND the best part, you can now navigate your way to healthy secure relationships, starting with YOU.

3. Your hierarchy of Values

What you value now is NOT what you valued 5 years, 10, years, or 20,30,40 years ago. What you believe now is NOT what you believed years ago.

What served you then NO LONGER serves you now, so the question is what ARE your values and beliefs?

There are several domains of life, money, business/career, intimate relationships, family and friends, home, material possessions, and travel

How well do you really know your values and these areas? AND which ones are important?

4. Aligning Your life path

Where you want to go and how you're going to get there are important. The reason why I leave your life path till last is that you can set any goal you want but with broken values, inner child wounds, self-sabotaging relationships, and a poisoned mind and body, you'll just fuck it up

Aligning your life path with your values and with a set of habits and rituals for optimal health both physical and mental is where the rubber meets the road, everything from here just starts to make sense.

Well there you have it Adrian if you have read this far, you now know the "why" and may be wondering about the "how" if so, I can help but before we talk about my coaching program, I’d like to chat with you first to make sure I am the right coach for you.

I have allowed a free 30-minute coaching call on the link below. remember we only have moments, if this is the moment to change, click the link below, and let's chat.

Looking forward to speaking with you


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