FREEPOLITIK -- 7 Steps to Defeat the New World Order

1 year ago

Okay, so I wrote a book (actually 3 shorts books) called How to Defeat the New World Order. You can find the first in the series here, or go full gonzo and buy the Complete Edition here. When we were under full lockdown, my books were selling like unvaccinated hotcakes at the rallies, because the Freedom community was under enormous pressure from the government and health officials (bless their little shrivelled hearts). There was a sense of urgency and people were looking for answers.

After the mandates were lifted, the sense of urgency faded away and many people stopped attending rallies. Some breathed a collective sigh of relief and went back to a semblance of a normal life. Others lost their jobs, homes, family, careers — they can never go back to the way it was. For all of you diehards who are still out there, I salute you, thanks for staying in the game. We know it is definitely not over yet.

The number one question I was asked at the rallies when people flipped through the pages of my book was “What’s the Coles Notes version of your book?” Many people don’t like to read, or were having a hard time focusing because of what was happening so they just wanted a summary. Many were looking, and still are looking for a silver bullet solution, which I could not provide, because there isn’t a silver bullet solution. Sorry. We have a complex multi-faceted problem and it is going to require a complex multi-faceted solution.

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If you want to read more you can buy my book, How to Defeat the New World Order.

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All works are co-authored with my partner MB Bose. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

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