👀 Thomasville City School Board Meeting 👀 2/1/23

1 year ago

I've never attended a City or County School Board Meeting longer than 45-minutes where it didn't include awards and presentation events until tonight. This one lasted 1hour and 42 minutes and was completely orchestrated.
I find it odd that the public was unaware of the Executive Session Vote after the meeting to renew Dr. Raymond L. Bryant, Jr. contract after the meeting. I was made aware that the Executive Session ended with tempers flaring and NO VOTE ended the meeting. This meeting was supposed to be about bringing light to the events swirling around the abuse of power by Dr. Bryant. What this meeting ended up being was another way to silence the public from having a say in what happens in their child's education. The board has to allow at least 20 minutes for public comments and they stuck to this 20 minutes and only 20 minutes. In prior meetings, people who signed up got their 3 minutes to speak for the most part with some exceptions, but not at this meeting! It's interesting that 4 of the 6 people who spoke were there to speak on the Superintendents behalf....can you say stacking the deck! Many people who tried to sign up were turned away and it just so happened that the Superintendent was able to give a 43 minute presentation on trying to convince the Community he was doing a good job and essentially saying everyone else was lying about him and his actions. Supporters of him along with his whole family that were in attendance clapped and applauded but those in the know, knew he was trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes for his lies and misrepresentations. No time to hear publicly from teachers, administrators, or concerned citizens other than the two that were allowed to speak besides his 4 chosen ones. This meeting had the main room completely full with people and another over flow room filled with others turned away. This isn't over by a long shot folks.

I've attached the breakdown below so as to not waste any of your time.
Speakers Start At This Minute Mark: 3 minute mark to 22:45 minute mark (This is all 6 speakers)

Architect Starts At This Minute Mark: 25:45 minute mark to 58 minute mark (Field House Presentation With Costs)
Dr. Raymond L. Bryant Jr. Starts At This Minute Mark: 58:20 mark to 1:41:25 minute mark (He presented for right at 43 minutes)

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