Dr. Rob McClintock: (4/7) How Much Alcohol or Wine is too Much-How to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

1 year ago

The Bible says in 1 Cor. 10:31, “Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Can you drink alcohol to the glory of God? How much wine or alcohol is too much? In this talk, Dr. Rob McClintock discusses the fallacy that alcohol has some remedial effects or that drinking it in moderation isn’t harmful. Among other things, he discusses how alcohol affects pregnancy as well as the startling link between alcohol and crime. Essentially, he exposes deceptions about alcohol, giving a range of evidence that indicates any consumption of alcohol is indeed bad for you.

Bio Dr. McClintock
Rob McClintock is a naturopathic doctor who specialized in treating autoimmune diseases. Before he retired, Rob traveled the world giving presentations about how the average person can prevent diseases and live longer, healthier lives. His interest in natural healing began when he lost his own health to multiple sclerosis over 20 years ago. He overcame this debilitating illness with the information he has shared with audiences worldwide.
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