Coffee with the Dog EP302 - Kim Wadsworth

1 year ago

Born and raised in the Lone-star State of Texas, one could argue that Kim Wadsworth's comedy career first began when she was voted the Class Clown of 1985 by Alvarado High School. Since officially diving into stand up comedy in 2017, she has gone on to perform at clubs and festivals all over the country.

A proud Air Force veteran and mother, Kim is a powerful voice within the LGBTQIA+ community. Her unique experiences, whimsical wordplay, and likable stage presence have lead her to win many comedy competitions over the years.

Her album "No Contest" is slotted for release by Claws Out Comedy Records in June of 2023.

Kim waited a lifetime to step in front of the microphone. She was busy living...she joined the United States Air Force, traveled, and raised a son. But something was missing: comedy, which was bubbling inside.

Kim isn’t one to conform to anyone’s standards but her own. She is anything but conventional. With her Texas accent, bleached Mohawk, and multiple ear-piercings she swaggers into the spotlight with a charming, "Hi, Y'all!" And thus begins the conversation that has audiences wanting more.

Winner of the 2022-2023 U.S. Comedy Contest Headliner Category and Night Owls (February 2021) at Looney Bin Comedy Club, she has also appeared at the Women in Comedy Festival in Boston, Dallas Comedy Festival, She Rock Festival, Pensacola Pre-Pride Comedy Festival, Laugh Riot GRRRL Comedy Festival in Los Angeles, Burbank Comedy Festival, the World Series of Comedy in Las Vegas-2021, 2022, and 2023, Midwest Queer Comedy Festival in Cleveland, Ohio, Boston Comedy Festival, The U.S. Comedy Contest 2021-2023, and the Blue Whale Comedy Festival in Tulsa. Kim has jokes published in Judy Carter's, “The New Comedy Bible” and Bob Moher's compilation, "200 Comedy Writers and Stand Ups Walk into a Book."

Kim performs improv and sketch comedy in addition to stand up. She studied under comedy masters Stephen Rosenfield, Jerry Corley, and Dean Lewis. She has shared the stage with Jay Leno, Carla Collins, Shang Forbes, John Stringer, Linda Stogner, Ralph Barbosa, and many others. She has made several appearances on The MAD Radio Show and “Laughter Saves Lives Live” shows. She is an actor, producer, and set designer in the short film, “Blood Slop”. She has performed at some of the top clubs in Texas, California, Boston, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Atlanta, Phoenix, Florida, South Carolina, and Nevada. She plans to tour all over the United States and beyond.

With appearances at Flapper's Comedy Club, Addison Improv, Arlington Improv, The Comedy Arena, The Comedy Chateau, The Plano House of Comedy, and many clubs across the country, Kim has been able to hone her craft. Her playful and light hearted "poke" at life's little mishaps endears her to all types of audiences.

She finds funny wherever she goes, or, more importantly, funny finds her. She believes that comedy has no boundaries or borders. So, buckle up for a wild ride, as she navigates and embraces all the marks life leaves behind. You won’t regret it.

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