Vatican Agent - Maurice Duplessis (Quebec Religious and Political Corruption and Control)

1 year ago

Duplessis Orphans
Ezekiel 22:27 KJV
Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.

The Duplessis Orphans were a population of Canadian children supposed to have been WRONGLY certified as mentally ill by the provincial government of Quebec and confined to psychiatric institutions in the 1940s and 1950s.

Matthew 16:11-12 KJV
How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE PHARISEES and of the Sadducees.

Some of these orphanages were operated by Roman Catholic religious institutions, due to a lack of secular investment in social services; they ENCOURAGED unwed mothers to leave their children there, so that they might BE RAISED in the Roman Catholic church. Maternity homes for unwed mothers, too, then prevalent, often encouraged the giving up of these "bastard" children.

Duplessis also signed an ORDER-IN-COUNCIL which changed the classification of orphanages into hospitals in order to provide them with federal subsidies.

In 1999, researchers Léo-Paul Lauzon and Martin Poirier issued a report arguing that both the Quebec provincial government and the Catholic Church made SUBSTANTIAL PROFITS BY FALSELY CERTIFYING thousands of Quebec orphans as mentally ill during Duplessis' premiership.


Reread the details to this video, and consider the script and stratagems of the unholy Roman Catholic Church in their Covid narrative.

Secondly, in regards to the video details in this description box to the events of the Duplessis orphans and the similarities to the Covid narrative,

1. both the Quebec provincial government and the Catholic Church made SUBSTANTIAL PROFITS BY FALSELY CERTIFYING thousands of Quebec orphans as mentally ill during Duplessis' premiership. 2020 - Present. Covid DEATH CERTIFICIATES WERE FALSIFIED.

2. Duplessis also signed an ORDER-IN-COUNCIL. Seditious and illegal instruments used by Jesuit Justin Trudeau with firearms ban by ORDER-IN-COUNCIL and approx. 40 other OICs. (to overrule common law)

3. ...they [Roman Catholic Church] ENCOURAGED unwed mothers to leave their children, so that they might BE RAISED in the Roman Catholic church. This equates to what is going to happen with the Covid narrative, whereas, many women will become widows through the death of husbands and their children will be given up to the State/RCC because of economic hardships, or deformities from the Covid inoculations.

4. Duplessis orphans were WRONGLY certified as mentally ill by the provincial government of Quebec and confined to psychiatric institutions. This is similar to the attacks on the "unvaccinated" in 2020 - Present as also FALSELY labelled as mentally ill in Vatican controlled media propaganda.

5. Duplessis hired "muscle" to influence people. This is similar to the Jesuits and Jesuit Justin Trudeau using agent provocateurs (to this day) to incite violence at protests, reference the Nazi flag agent provocateur during the Canadian 'Trucker Convoy' of 2022, as well as the Confederate flag agent provocateur during the same protest to enact the 'Emergency Act'. Gabriel Wortman (Catholic) was also used by the Knight of Malta Vatican controlled RCMP false flag attack and patsy operation of the so-called Nova Scotia mass shooting, which ultimately led to the seditious OIC firearms ban.

6. Duplessis involved in corporate control and theft of money, with bribes. This is similar to the 2020 - Present with the RCC Covid narrative and such things in Canada as the 'ArriveCan' app, and the bribes that went to officials, Premiers, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Judges, Jesuit controlled CBC and Bell Globe Media, medical manufacturers with ventilators or PRC tests and masks, and labour unions (ref. Canada Post - CUPW and others) who help perpetrate those crimes.


To foster its alliance with the Catholic Church, the new government of Premier Maurice Duplessis decides to affix a crucifix to the wall above the Speaker’s chair in the National Assembly. In 1982, it is replaced by a new crucifix. Duplessis’s 18-year reign — marked by corruption and human-rights violations — becomes known as the “Grande Noirceur” (the great darkness).

Under Duplessis, Quebec adopts the province’s current flag, with white bars depicting the Christian cross and four fleurs-de-lis (fleurs-de-lis - JESUIT Papal Farnese), which for Catholics represents the Christian trinity. It is a variation of the flag the Catholic Church had been pushing for.

House of Farnese


Writings on the wall - Canada's Judgement


Maurice Duplessis

"fervent Catholic"
"Duplessis maintained and protected the traditional role of the Catholic Church in Quebec's society, notably in healthcare and education."
"...authoritarian tendencies, his staunch conservatism and a cozy relationship with the Catholic Church,"
"Duplessis left his home city to study at the Collège Notre-Dame in Montreal, which was run by the Congregation of Holy Cross."
"1910, he enrolled in the faculty of law at the Université Laval in Montreal, which is now a separate university called Université de Montréal."
"He was especially fond the first colonizers of the New France"
"His cabinet saw the first Ministry of Health in Quebec, and it also financed the new Institute of Microbiology and Hygiene of Montreal, a research facility similar to Paris's Pasteur Institute." (ref. "Jesuit Pasteur vaccinations")
"Programme de restauration sociale, a social policy document drafted by the Catholic clergy in 1933 that advocated corporatism as an alternative for capitalism and communism"
"Quebec; at the same time it drew inspirations from Catholic social teaching, corporatism and syndicalism"
"Duplessis attacked Godbout's reforms as threatening the Church, the clergy and the religion (and indeed many Godbout's initiatives were criticized by Cardinal Villeneuve). During the campaign, Duplessis notably floated a false anti-Semitic conspiracy theory..."
"His funeral service in the Assumption Cathedral of that city, officiated by Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger, Archbishop of Montreal, and Archbishop Maurice Roy of Quebec, was attended by eleven members of the federal cabinet, including Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, all of the provincial cabinet and the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, three fellow premiers and nine bishops and archbishops, among other high officials."

current Jesuit controlled premier of Quebec, François Legault his opinion, "Duplessis had many faults, he defended Quebec"

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