What is in Your Water?

2 years ago

This video will explore the question of 'what is in your water'? However, another good question to ask is why is water not just water, and how did contaminants get there? In our world today, where there is the ever increasing presence of juridical control, where corporate structures and mass manufactering continue polute our natural environment, it becomes increasingly more important to know what you are putting into your body. While those companies speak about their campaigns to 'reduce the carbon footprint,' the put toxic materials into public water supplies, into their own products, and attempt to surround us with only unhealthy alternatives to subsist on. It will take a good deal of creativity to avoid succumbing to this villiany, so let us explore some ways that we might do that. If you like this content, please share this video, subscribe to this channel, and like this video; also, check out the other products that are offered.
Music: by Sakura Girl
#waterpollution #environmentengineering #watersupply

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