💥“We have a rally on June 4th every year to commemorate the Tiananme 毋忘六四

2 years ago

🔥Austin, a member of the New Federal State of China, shared what happened in Hong Kong on June 4 every year on the Capitol Hill — 01/30/2023:

💥“We have a rally on June 4th every year to commemorate the Tiananmen Square Massacre in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park. No matter how many years it took, the sparks of our soul were still there. We are new Chinese and must pass on such a long history of the good spirit. Being a member of the NFSC, we must uphold this spirit!”

🔥新中国联邦战友Austin在国会山和平抗议现场分享每年六四在香港的事情 — 2023/01/30:


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