Dr. Robert Toguchi, PhD - U.S. Army Special Operations Command - Preparation For The Future Of War

1 year ago

Dr. Robert M. Toguchi ( http://www.roberttoguchi.com/ ) is currently serving as the Chief, Concepts Division, Force Modernization Directorate, in the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina ( https://www.soc.mil/ ).

Dr. Toguchi has spent over 30 years on active military duty while serving as a Functional Area 59 strategist for the U.S. Army.

Dr. Toguchi’s past assignments included a tour as the Director, Strategic Plans and Chief, ARCIC (Army Capabilities Integration Center) Initiatives Group, TRADOC (U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command). In the Pacific region, he spent a tour with the U.S. Pacific Command while serving as the Deputy Director, J8; and the Chief, Strategic Plans, J5 Directorate, USPACOM (United States Indo-Pacific Command).

Dr. Toguchi was also assigned to Africa in 2005 while serving as the senior U.S. military observer to the U.N. Mission in Liberia.

Previously, Dr. Toguchi served on the faculty and taught military strategy at the U.S. National War College, National Defense University.

Additionally, in the Washington D.C. area, Dr. Toguchi gained valuable experiences within the halls of the Pentagon while serving as a strategist in the DAMO-SSP (Strategy, Doctrine and Concepts Division), Strategy and Policy Division, Army; and as a war planner in DAMO-SSW, War Plans Division, Army.

Dr. Toguchi received a B.S. degree concentrating in Engineering, from the U.S. Military Academy, and received a Ph.D. in History from Duke University in 1994.

Dr. Toguchi has published several books including: The Competitive Advantage Special Operations Forces in Large-Scale Combat Operations,
Land Warfare In The Information Age, The Enduring Relevance Of Landpower: Flexibility And Adaptability For Joint Campaigns, and
The Winning Habits of Steve Jobs.

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