BFGC - Jan 29, 2023 Fake Forgiveness

1 year ago

Yehovah loved us while we were yet sinners and sent His only begotten son to die on the cross for all mankind. He has made a way for everyone that calls upon the name of Yeshua to be forgiven and brought back into fellowship with Himself. Because God forgives us graciously , we must be willing to forgive others the same way, and without conditions. Waiting for others to be Sorry, Learn their Lesson, Seek Forgiveness, or even Receive Punishment before we can forgive, is not what Yehovah says we must do. Forgiveness is about healing the hurt and learning to let God give you a new heart and a new mind in Christ. Unforgiveness is a poison to our relationship with God and the sooner we stop trying to solve the problem in our own strength, the sooner the Holy Spirit can wash it out and give us a new outlook on life and those around us, that may be trying to cause us harm.

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