Genesis | Pt. 42 God's Gift Requires My Managment

1 year ago

Pharaoh has a dream he can't shake
Former cellmate of Joseph remembers him
Dream = 7 yrs of plenty followed by 7 yrs of lack
Genesis 41:39-44
Notice that Pharoah controls the Kingdom of Egypt; Joseph does not
Pharaoh gives Egypt to Joseph to manage it
Now Joseph's entire life up to this point has prepared him to manage
He managed Potiphar's house well
He managed the Prison well
Now it's time to manage the nation
You don't by managing the nation
You start with small house like Potiphar's and then medium size prison and then the nation
We want the glory of managing the nation but refuse to manage the house or prison in front of us
Before you can manage a nation well you have to manage a prison well and before you can manage the prison well you have to manage the house well but before you can manage a house well you must first manage yourself well
Joseph managed himself well
The Kingdom did not belong to Joseph; it was Pharaoh's to give but Joseph's to manage
Management is word we use to today; the biblical is stewardship
Did you know God has a Kingdom and it is meant to have many managers
God has a kingdom
God owns literally everything in His Kingdom btw
Psalm 24:1
Psalm 89:11
Ok pastor I get it! God owns everything
I don't know if we actually get that because we don't live it
We live like we are co-owners with God (the arrogance so many of us have)
This is my life!
No actually it's not; God owns your life, but you get to manage it
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
You can manage what God owns well or you can manage it poorly
No matter what you will give an account for how you manage what belongs to God
Jesus in fact said you will give an account for every word that comes out of your mouth
God owns my life but I get to manage it
God has a Kingdom and He owns everything in it
If God owns everything that means we own how much? Nothing
It is impossible to live out your God given purpose and tap into your God given potential until you realize that you own absolutely nothing
When you understand this you begin to understand life and you can flow with God as opposed to going against God
Our children do not belong to us
Our kids belong to God and they have been assigned to us for us to mange them and to steward them
Children are a privilege and a responsibility
Children are God's to give but ours to manage
In fact, everyday is God's to give and ours to manage
This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it
The day belongs to God
God gives the day for me to steward it
I can manage the day by complaining, being angry, being bitter, being prideful
I can manage the Day that God has given me that way
Or I can manage the day that doesn't belong to me like a good steward and rejoice and be glad in it
When you realize that you don't own today it'll change you
You'll never be able to say again, "My wife ruined my day."
No she didn't because you don't own the day
It's not your day
It's God day
But you get to manage it
You will give an account to God on how you managed His day and blaming your wife is not going to fly
Now you can't spiritualize your dysfunction

Started In The Beginning

This Kingdom principle goes al the way back to the very beginning
"In the beginning GOD!"
All by Himself; no co-creators and therefore no co-owners
Just the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit dwelling together in perfect unity
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the face of the deep."
Now why was the earth so chaotic at this stage?
Before God created us, He had already created the angels
One angel wanted to go from being a steward of worship to the owner of worship
Lucifer was the manager of the worship in the heavenlies
Management and Ownership collided
Isaiah 14:12-15
Jesus said I saw Satan fall like lightning to the earth
So when Satan rebelled against ownership, he and 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven to the 3rd planet from the Sun in the Milkey way galaxy
This was their new home and it was chaotic; darkness covered the face of the deep
And there came a time when the owner of the 3rd planet from the Sun in the Milkey Way Galaxy decided it's time to do some remodeling down there and get new management
So God begins to speak and he brings order to the chaos on this planet
God then creates a special being in His image and likeness to Steward and manage what he owns

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