Rhema Jan 25, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... You must let go of the old Ways… Be tranparent and real

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

My People, you must let go of the old Ways… Be tranparent and real

January 12, 2017 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “I want to talk with you. How can I use you if you do not have faults? How can I bridge the common ground with My unconditional love if the common ground is faultless? Yes, it is a truth that when you judge, you’d better judge yourself – because it’s coming. Even if it is your job to help expose sin, still you must be exposed as well. As they say, when you point your finger, three are turned back pointing to you and one to your brother. That is why the monks preferred to remain silent; they saw themselves so clearly.

“Yet you cannot remain silent, you are a watchman and a shepherd. You must call out and expose those things that hinder humankind from walking in Heaven on Earth. Therefore, you must be especially vigilant and strict with those faults I point out to you.

“I know you are shaking inside, Clare. I know how you feel. Sometimes these lessons in humility have to go deep and deeper yet. No one will know the extent of their sins until Heaven, that fateful moment when it’s all exposed. Yet, the confessed sins will not be found there. It is the unconfessed, unrepented sins that will emerge to convict you. Isn’t it better to be convicted now, Dearest…than then?

“How I hate to see you suffer this way, yet it is necessary for purging. The refiners fire, smelting the gold, which shall be fashioned into vessels on the King’s table.

“Well, you truly must deal with these things and share them publicly so I can heal even the most wretched cases of whom you closely approximate. You know well that what I say is true, because had these graces given to you been given to the worst sinner, they would by now be a saint. Yet you are still struggling. Why is this? Is it not because you have not totally abandoned yourself? Is it not that your flesh stubbornly clings to old ways? No matter, you have plenty of company and that is why I am using you. Yet the more you love others, the more mercy will cleanse you and protect you. Do not let your guard down on love, ever.

“When this happens a huge door swings open and in come the devils that torment you with those things you hate about yourself and are fighting against. It is because you have loved, forgiven and cried out that I rush to embrace you all covered in mud, which is cleansed when I hold you in My arms.

“Clare, do not let this sadness over your sins overtake you. Your ministry is so important to Me, because others need to see how fragile and corrupt you can be. How prone to distraction and self-indulgence. All these faults are common to mankind, yet My Christian people put up a shiny penny front, hiding it all beneath that acceptable facade.

“That’s not what I want, My people. Did I not say… ‘Confess your sins one to another?’ Yet you keep so much hidden, you cover so much with an outer layer of piety. Why don’t you just be real with your brothers and sisters? Why don’t you allow them to see this unacceptable interior?

“Don’t you know they are struggling to keep their fronts up with you? They suffer from this disease, just as you do. But when you confess, I heal you. When you share with others your weaknesses, I run to reinstate you. That is My entire purpose… to save sinners from themselves and make them ready for Heaven. We may not have perfected you on Earth, but if I can bring you to the point of contrition for wrongdoing, we are well on our way. The rest shall await you in Heaven.

“I am not saying these things to discourage you, My People, rather to encourage you. Isn’t it labor intensive and tedious to constantly present a squeaky clean front? Doesn’t the devil discourage you by accusing you of...


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