Genesis | Pt. 39 When Favor Doesn't Feel Like Favor

1 year ago

Genesis 39:20-23
Joseph does the right thing but finds himself buried in an Egyptian prison
Yet while being buried in this prison it says God's favor was with Joseph
I've learned that sometimes favor doesn't always feel like favor in the moment
It is hard sometimes when to see what God is doing when we lose our horse or when our son breaks his leg or we get thrown in prison
Favor doesn't always feel like favor in the moment
But when you realize that your life started in the mind of God before it ever started here on this planet you can trust that He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it
God gave Joseph a dream at 17 years old that He would end up in a position of power and authority
Which means no prison can stop what God promised
God gave a promise and vision to Joseph for his life to accomplish
God will never tell you do something that He has not already finished
Before God asks you to start something he has already finished it
God is looking for people to simply start what He has finished
He is Alpha & Omega
Before anything becomes something; it already is finished in Him
God is looking for people to start what He has already finished
God finishes everything before He ever starts it
He is Alpha & Omega, He is the author & the finisher
Isaiah 46:8-10
He makes known the end; meaning it's already finished
He sets the end and then He goes back to the start
God is looking for people to start what He has already finished
When God asks you to start something that means He has already finished it
This is why God never panics; He has already finished it
God did not panic when Joseph ended up in prison because God had already finished the story of Joseph before he ever started it
But for Joseph the favor of God didnt feel like favor in the moment
Can I show you something deep this morning
Mary Found Favor
Go to Luke 1; it’s Christmas time so I gotta tie it in somehow
Micah 5:2
800 years prior the prophet prophesies that out of Bethlehem the Messiah will come
Luke 1:26-33
Favor doesn't always feel like favor
It can feel like inconveince, uncomforatbel and even scary
"Jacob's descendants" = Israel
Remeber Jacob?
Trickster who gets his name changed to Israel
Wroks for Rachael for 7 years but recieces Leah
Wakes up next to Leah
Then is given Racheal for another 7 years
Leah wasn't loved so the Lord opened her womb and she gave birth to all these kids
Finally Rachael gives birth to Joseph (which is why Joseph had such favor with his father and his brothers hated him for it)
But Rachael gives birth to one more son and this all ties together in an incredibel way
Genesis 35:15-20
Ben-Oni = Son of my sorrow (trouble)
This son is costing her life
Her last breath was his first breath
Jacob names him Benjamin
Benjamin = son of my right hand
Benjamin would be the Kingly tribe of Israel - David
Jacob just lost the only woman he really loved
He decides to name his son not what he just burried but what was just birthed through what he burried
Jacob then setup a pillar to mark her tomb
Racheal was burried right outside Bethlehem
Micah said out of Bethlehem someone significant will be birthed
Luke 2:1-7
Rachael was burried in Bethlehem while Mary gave birth in Bethlehem
Do we know Bethlehem today more for what was burried there or what was birthed there?
Mary wasn't supposed to give birth in Bethelehem btw
Christ came at the worst time possible (we think God can only work when everyting is lined up)
Birth of Christ about 2000 years ago
Best description = Strange times like today
Best of times, worst of times
Last 2 years our world has been engulfed in fear and upheaval
Same climate 2000 yrs ago
Quick history lesson:
40 yrs before Christ, Julius Caesar was assassinated
Adopted son became leader = Caesar Augustus (Supreme Ruler)
Halley's Comet
Augustus is son of God
Vast empire led by a man who thought he was a god, Augustus calls for a census
Just like we had a census in 2020; then and now are very similar
"Those days" like "Our days"
Severe economic oppression from the elites
Unbridled political tyranny and corruption
Terrorism by zealots
At worst possible moment God does His best work
Augustus wanted a census to secure his power
He didn't realize he was running an errand for God
He thought he was flexing his strenth but was actually doing God's bidding
Fulfilled OT prophecy hundreds of years earlier
Augustus thought he was a somebody but was being used by the real Somebody
Census caused Joseph & Mary to travel 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem
What is Bethlehem? It's where Rachael was buried but it is also where Jesus was birthed
Out of Bethlehem came Jacob's greatest pain, but out of Bethlehem came God's greatest plan
Out of Bethlehem came Salvation
Facts will try to name your season Ben-Oni

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